Section 8A of the Representation of People Act, 1951 plays a crucial role in preserving the integrity of electoral processes by disqualifying candidates found guilty of corrupt practices. With the aim of ensuring fair elections and deterring malpractices, this provision holds significant implications for political candidates and the democratic fabric of a nation. In this commentary, we will delve into the nuances of Section 8A, analyzing its objectives, scope, and impact on electoral transparency and accountability.


Section 8A of the Representation of People Act, 1951 was introduced to combat corruption and malpractices that undermine the sanctity of elections. The judgment Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain, 1975 AIR 1590  played a significant role in the development and implication of this section, in this case, it was held  “the successful candidate is guilty of corrupt practices as she obtained the assistance of gazetted officers for the election prospects.”

The primary objective of Section 8A is to preserve the purity of the electoral process by disqualifying candidates who engage in corrupt practices such as bribery, undue influence, or electoral malpractice.

The scope of Section 8A encompasses a wide range of corrupt practices that may influence the outcome of elections. Those corrupt practices include the distribution of cash, gifts, or other inducements to voters, coercion or intimidation, use of religious sentiments, and electoral malpractices aimed at manipulating the electoral process.

Recently a petition was filed in the Supreme Court in which it was contended that providing a false claim regarding educational qualification is one of the corrupt practices but the Hon’ble Supreme Court held that “in India, no one votes on the basis of educational qualification and therefore providing false information regarding education qualification of an election candidate can not be termed as a ‘corrupt practice’.” Not only statements about educational qualification but promises of giving freebies, promises mentioned in election manifestos, etc. are some topics on which there is a need for consideration by policymakers and judiciary so that the purpose of the legislation would be intact.

Section 123 of the Representation of People Act defines corrupt practices, so it can be said that both sections are supplementary to each other as one explains the corrupt practices and the other provides the outcome of corrupt practices.

By identifying and disqualifying individuals involved in such activities, Section 8A aims to uphold the principles of free and fair elections.


Under Section 8A, a candidate can be disqualified from contesting elections if they are found guilty of any corrupt practice. The disqualification may result from a decision made by an election tribunal, court of law, or the Election Commission. The provision holds candidates accountable for their actions and sends a strong message that corrupt practices will not be tolerated in the electoral arena.

The disqualification of a candidate under Section 8A has far-reaching implications. It not only impacts the individual’s political career but also upholds the principles of transparency and accountability in a democracy. By removing candidates engaged in corrupt practices, Section 8A strives to restore public trust in the electoral process and protect the democratic rights of voters.


While Section 8A serves as a crucial deterrent against corrupt practices, it also faces challenges and controversies. One of the challenges lies in the effective implementation of the provision. Timely identification, investigation, and prosecution of cases related to corrupt practices can be complex, requiring adequate resources and coordination among various authorities involved.

Another controversy surrounding Section 8A is the potential for misuse or false accusations against political opponents. The provision’s broad language and interpretation can lead to allegations being weaponized for political gain. Striking a balance between genuine cases of corruption and politically motivated accusations is essential to maintain the integrity of Section 8A.

Furthermore, some argue that the disqualification process should be expedited to ensure that candidates found guilty of corrupt practices do not continue to participate in elections. Delays in adjudicating cases may result in compromised electoral processes and weaken public confidence in the efficacy of Section 8A.


Section 8A plays a vital role in promoting electoral transparency and accountability. Disqualifying candidates involved in corrupt practices deter potential wrongdoers and safeguards the electoral process from undue influences. The provision strengthens the democratic principles of fair representation, equal opportunity, and citizen participation.

Moreover, Section 8A serves as a powerful tool for establishing a level playing field among candidates. It fosters an environment where political contestants compete based on merit, policy proposals, and the trust of the electorate, rather than resorting to illicit means. This ensures that citizens’ voices are heard and that elected representatives truly reflect the will of the people.


Section 8A of the Representation of People Act, 1951 stands as a significant provision aimed at upholding the integrity of democratic elections. By disqualifying candidates involved in corrupt practices, it serves as a deterrent, reinforcing the principles of transparency, accountability, and fairness in electoral processes. However, effective implementation, addressing challenges, and avoiding misuse or false accusations are crucial to maintaining the credibility of Section 8A. Upholding the spirit of this provision strengthens democracy and ensures that the voice of the people remains paramount in the electoral arena.

Author’s Name: Shiv Kumar (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonipat)

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